Sunday, August 15, 2010

Who m i ??

i am not sure about present..
but i used to be a person for whom relationships were more than anything else...
but i am not sure now..
my beliefs have been shaken..
my faith has been shattered...

the only thing i knew before was to love others..
but now...i am not knowing the meaning of love..
its hard for me to distinguish between good and bad..
and as always i have no one to share which makes me feel sad!!

its next to impossible to find a motive to lead this life now..
as i have been stabbed with a dagger of unfaithfulness..
i have no one to blame and again its my destiny..
which forbids me from being happy for too long!!

believe me it was a matter of life or death
when i decided to fall for second time in my life
and this time the depth was not measurable
just saying that i wont come back will be enough!!

i am no more the person i used to be
and i am no more a friend...forget about loving others
the only thing which is still similar is the lane i used to walk..
its still lonely and dark...and my hope of getting a hand to guide me along is shattered again..

inside this depth of darkness is a shallow heart ...
which is slowly forgetting how to beat..
its time will come soon..when it will be relieved of its tiredness
and bring peace to both the body and the soul!!